This real life fiction series captures high school love and drama between two unsuspecting teenagers in senior high. Noah, fifteen, is an introverted easygoing young man who comes from a wealthy home and has only one close high school friend, Jacob. Briana, sixteen, is an outgoing, energetic young woman, who is well liked by many of her classmates.
Their paths cross haphazardly and a budding romantic relationship begins to blossom as Briana attempts to discover who Noah really is behind his insulated walls. Will Noah let go of his past love and reveal more of himself to someone he barely knows? Will he embrace love again? Perhaps, this summer.
Janitorial Services highlights the everyday interactions service workers encounter through the life of Dusty, the Custodian. From obscure questions to the blatant obvious. The inexplicable disasters from restrooms to offices; Dusty, must take them ALL on. Can Dusty fulfill all the Janitorial Services while maintaining his sanity? Only time will tell.
Random Shapes chronicles the spontaneous conversation pieces of three buddy shapes: Circle, the wishful idealist, Square, the blunt-pragmatist and Triangle, the ever-optimist. From obscured theories to everyday happenings; Triangle, Circle and Square engage in random topics that intrigue or frustrate them.
Three friends converge on a functioning petting farm of a non-profit organization and find that their lodging is in a remodeled barn loft. The Barn highlights Micky, Malone and Mike’s random adventures with petting farm animals and life .
Sneaky Sarah chronicles the “sneaky,” playful, mischievous pranks Sarah plays on her husband. When you think the coast is clear and all is well with the world. The moment you meander about your carefree agenda: Sarah strikes with playful, prank precision. Is anyone safe? Certainly not her husband.
Life: the good, the bad and the unexplained.
The title says it all.